Nos Conférences

L'association AMaCTIA encourage les enseignants chercheurs et doctorants à rayonner dans le domaine des Technologies, Intelligence Artificielle, Systèmes Intelligents et Télecommunications.
The First Edition of the International Conference on Connected Objects and Artificial Intelligence (COCIA'2023)
the COCIA'2023 conference will be held in Casablanca, Morocco during March 08-09, 2023.
The Second Edition of the International Conference on Connected Objects and Artificial Intelligence (COCIA'2024)
the COCIA'2024 conference will be held in Casablanca, Morocco during May 08-10, 2024.
The Tird Edition of the International Conference on Connected Objects and Artificial Intelligence (COCIA'2025)
the COCIA’2025 conference will be held in Casablanca, Morocco during April 16-18, 2025.

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